The title doesn't sound like much of anything you might want to check out, but this teaching video from R.C. Sproul really gives us great insight into much of today's thought. In the video he teaches primarily about the views of Sartre and Heidegger, arguing that they are the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. If you have about a half an hour, it is certainly worth your time.
Update: The link should be fixed now!
Clicking on the link, a page opened for "Ligonier Ministries" with the message, "The requested file is no longer listed."
Going from "LATEST" tab to the "VIDEO" tab on th epage the opens with the link in the blog, there's a video titled, "Sartre and Heidegger". This seems like it might be the video to which you referred.
Sproul summarizes this philosophy of despair with, "[This] is what defines the struggle and the passion of human existence. Here I am. I don’t know where I came from. I don’t know where I am going. I am just sort of hanging out here, suspended in some kind of animation, where I have all these cares, all these concerns, all these passions, but there is no reason for my being where I am at this given time."
He went on to say that Kamu logically takes Sarte's and Heidegger's philosophies to their ultimate end: suicide.
Sproul goes on to quote from Hamlet, pointing out that the only thing that stays Hamlet's hand is the possibility of judgment after death.
OK. Now the question. If we agree that this philosophy of despair is a common one (if not articulated in thought, then in practice)then shouldn't that be all the more reason to make sure that were are telling people the truth regarding eternity? The LAW and the Gospel. Isn't it the knowledge of what Jesus has saved us from that makes His grace so amazing? Thoughts?
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