Check out this story about the powerful of Hollywood and the Tech World coming together to spread peace and unity between the religions.
This idea of "religious commonality" is becoming more and more accepted. The fact that this view is based on complete non-sense doesn't seem to matter all that much. Truth in itself is no longer a value to be debated or distinguished. What matters is that we promote "good." What is "good" you say? Tolerance and Acceptance. What is bad? Claiming to know the truth.
I suppose George Orwell said it would be like this.
Update: (Thank you Matt) I should make clear that I have no problem with groups that seek to promote peace between the various religions. The problem is that often times these groups tend to squeeze out any mention of exclusive truth claims (See National Council of Churches; World Council of Churches, etc.) The person who does hold to their religion as being the only way to God is then seen as disrupting the peace.
Are you suggesting that spreading peace and harmony among world religions is a bad thing?
No, I would never suggest that. What I'm reacting to is the statements by Karen Armstrong and others about the commonality among the world religions. There may be a commonality among world religions on some moral issues, but the religion's central teachings are vastly different. Islam teaches that one may possibly go to heaven if they submit (however that is not guaranteed as Allah is taught as being capricious); Buddhism, Hinduism and other modern new age religions teach that one finds peace with the universe by looking within; Christianity teaches that God saves sinners by grace through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.
Groups wanting to promote peace between the various religions are fine with me. The problem is that so often these movements tend to also promote ecumenism. That is primarily what I am deriding here.
Ya know rereading my post I must admit it is horribly unclear. So your point is well taken.
I think the larger issue is spreading the good news of Jesus Christ which has made peace with God. Peace with God has much more far reaching implications than peace between world religions.
In view of the eternal consequences of not having peace with the sovereign, all-powerful, creator of all reality, disharmony between the deceived enemies of God and His children is a small price to pay. As a matter of fact Jesus predicted that there would be hatred between those who were His and those who were not:
"Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake.
(Mat 24:9 ESV)
"Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man!
(Luk 6:22 ESV)(Notice Jesus said when not if)
The reality is we follow a man who was murdered for what he taught. What is our expectation? Peace and harmony?
So, I would say that if in spreading peace and harmony among world religions we have to sacrifice the truth of the Gospel, then yes, it is a very bad thing indeed.
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