Much is made in the media today about the "epidemic of obesity." While I think that language is awesome in its exaggeration, there is no doubt a plumping up going on among America's youth. I definitely have seen it.
The tendency is to blame fast food. Now I don't think fast food is good for you, but when I was a kid, we had plenty of fast food around and therefore we ate lots of it. Yet there was not the "epidemic" of obesity. So why now? I think the main difference is found in the stagnant activity level of the average kid today. One huge difference: My parents made me go outside and play!
According to a recent survey, 97% of all children in the United States play video games. Generally, these games do not require much physical activity. So the kid eats his mighty kids meal from Mcdonalds, but instead of going outside to play, sits down at his computer or gaming system and drinks his soda between turns. Parents, if you don't want your child to be obese, do them a favor: Don't replace the food they like with a fruits, nuts and tofu diet. Make them go outside and run around!
I don't have any kids of my own, but when I approached my brother regarding this issue (my nephew was definitely gaining weight) I mentioned the same thing. I reminded my brother of how it was when we were young and how much we were outside on our bikes all the time.
He replied that we are living in a different society and that he did not feel comfortable letting his kid just take off outside. He was afraid of predators. The only way he would feel comfortable is if he went with him. Of course, he was too busy to do that so we were at an impasse.
I don't know what other people's experiences have been. Is it that much more dangerous now then it was when I was a kid (1980's)? I know with the advent of the information age we are much more informed. Is this making parents more paranoid?
What ever the variables are no one can argue against the fact that America in general is getting fatter. Type 2 diabetes is widely considered to be an epidemic in the U.S. The prevalence of diabetes increased 13.5% from 2005-2007. Most of that is Type 2 which is almost always connected with obesity. (http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-statistics.jsp)
Is there a sin issue here? Should we take better care of the bodies that God has given us? The word "glutton" is never used in a positive light in the Bible. What about serving two masters?(see Matthew and Luke)Jesus is specifically talking about money there, but can we add addictions which would include food addictions? Just some food for thought. (pun intended)
What a conflicting message from the media - constantly reporting on the next fad diet and the "epidemic of obesity" - all the while being supported by commercials for idle entertainment that perhaps too many of us are prosperous enough to afford.
I'll tag the reason with another label, "idle prosperity". Not disagreeing with the post or the single comment so far, but proposing that WE are making our kids fat.
We use the talents God gave us to "earn" money to provide for our needs. And we spend it on televisions that tell us what else we should buy. And video games that seem to be a black hole, sucking time away with an insatiable appetite. And we strive to earn more to buy more...
What if, instead, we use the money not for "my" needs but for "our" needs? Oh my, that perhaps we don't have enough money to buy the latest gadget, toy or video game! What if, instead, we encourage our youth to (gasp!) read their bibles to develop a passion to serve their neighbors (yeah, the ones outside). What if, instead, we parents take our kids outside and teach them how to approach the world in Christ?
This spoonful I intend to swallow, too.
What if, right now, we pray for the children...
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