As members of God's creation ordered to be good stewards of that creation, it saddens me that so many Christians seem not to care all that much about the environment. That being said, the ideas for "how to save the world"so often seem to be so silly or impractical that, frankly, I can't blame people for not getting involved more in "Green" programs.
Last year, there was the scam that various celebrities and politicians used called "Carbon offsets." The idea behind this was to make up for your carbon footprint, you would buy a carbon offset, which meant you bought some space in some country somewhere to plant a tree.
Today, there is this story about the giant disconnect between those who live green on a daily basis and yet tend to take the longest and most flights, which completely erase any green activity they do at home.
So, as Christians, how green should we be? What are some practical ways that we can be good stewards of the environment?
Update: Now you don't have to find the verses yourself to answer these questions. You can just turn to the "Green Letter Bible." Unfortunately, I am not kidding.
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