An article appears in the Washington Post today about a group of Pastors encouraged by an organization of Christian lawyers (Alliance Defense Fund) to publicly endorse candidates from the pulpit on September 28th.
They say the law that prohibits Pastors from endorsing specific candidates from the pulpit is an unconstitutional violation of free speech. However,it must be remembered that a Pastor can endorse anyone he wants from the pulpit, he just can't do it and still remain tax exempt. So these men are hoping to go to court and have this law overturned. Are they violating Romans 13?
So, should Pastors be able to endorse candidates from the pulpit and remain tax exempt? What kinds of issues can you see developing from Pastors openly speaking on behalf of certain political entities or candidates?
Pay what is demanded. Even if speaking the truth requires a higher financial burden, speak the truth anyway.
Need the candidates even be mentioned? I don't know, but it seems there is much to be said about the issues that can be held to the light of Scripture.
Talk about mixing the two kingdoms.
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