Why are so many people drawn to Ultimate Fighting? As a matter of fact, a good deal of the Christian men I know love Ultimate Fighting. Is this okay?
In the Church today, we have tended to stray away from themes of battle and "fighting the good fight"of the Christian faith as Paul says. We sing songs about having feelings of love for Jesus. Many times in our pulpits a weak, sort of "God loves you just the way you are" message is preached. But not a whole lot of mention about fighting or being in battle as Christians.
Is it any wonder that we have an incredibly difficult time getting men (who love Ultimate Fighting) interested in the things of God?
I wonder how much of each is for the sake of fighting vicariously...
Within UFC the fighters sacrifice themselves (being vicarious) for the sake of our aggression - where we might feel there is no other appropriate outlet for that aggression. We (men or otherwise) watch and "feel" the punches and kicks being thrown.
Within the Church we're commanded to sacrifice ourselves (being vicarious) for the sake of our neighbors - where we know that there is no other means for salvation to be lived out. We participate and "see" the results of prayer (spiritual "punches and kicks").
Not much difference - except the difference being living vicariously (in the sense of being passive and unengaged) and living as the vicar Christ called us to be!
We need to get off "the couch" and step into "the ring", not fighting the enemy alone but in prayer and in the company of all the saints and God's host of angels in a battle already won in Christ!
The military has its recruiting office, where is the church's? Have we all not already enlisted upon our salvation? In the military we would face imprisonment for running from the battlefield. Thank God for his present mercy, but who dares to test its limits? Oh, but watch how I do!
May God deliver us from evil, not by our failure to pray but by His success in bringing us (through prayer) beyond the front lines of battle by the saving power of Jesus Christ, our Lord!
Amen, Amen!!!
A couple of Mark Driscoll vids regarding this issue. The first one is only 1:45.
The second one is like 9min and is talking alot about church planting but the issue of the need for real men in ministry as well as "fighting the good fight" are talked about throughout.
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