I know that many of you have kids and feel like you need as much help as possible raising those kids. I know I do! Thankfully, theresurgence.com has made this instructional video below free of charge. Be edified:
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Saved by Grace

With each passing day I become convinced of two things:
1.) I am a truly wretched sinner.
2.) The only way I could possibly be saved is by some amazing act or acts of grace from God.
Thankfully, the second thing I am absolutely certain has happened. Jesus Christ lived perfectly from conception because I have not; Jesus Christ on the cross took the wrath of God my sin deserved; Jesus Christ rose from the dead in order to restore eternal life to my sin soaked body of death.
In meditating on the holiness and justice of God this morning I realize once again how much everything depends on Jesus. In my nature, I am a condemned sinner, but thanks be to God that through faith in Christ I am a new creation, a saint destined to live forever at His throne!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Saving the world...one flight at a time

As members of God's creation ordered to be good stewards of that creation, it saddens me that so many Christians seem not to care all that much about the environment. That being said, the ideas for "how to save the world"so often seem to be so silly or impractical that, frankly, I can't blame people for not getting involved more in "Green" programs.
Last year, there was the scam that various celebrities and politicians used called "Carbon offsets." The idea behind this was to make up for your carbon footprint, you would buy a carbon offset, which meant you bought some space in some country somewhere to plant a tree.
Today, there is this story about the giant disconnect between those who live green on a daily basis and yet tend to take the longest and most flights, which completely erase any green activity they do at home.
So, as Christians, how green should we be? What are some practical ways that we can be good stewards of the environment?
Update: Now you don't have to find the verses yourself to answer these questions. You can just turn to the "Green Letter Bible." Unfortunately, I am not kidding.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
DON'T Contextualize Christianity?
This is an interesting take on what it means to share the gospel. Pastor John Piper says that the gospel "DOES NOT" need to be contextualized. Is this true? Watch the video below and tell me what you think.
Christianity and Politics part III

This last Sunday, The White Horse Inn radio program had a special roundtable discussion on Christianity and politics. The roundtable featured a writer about the history of politics and the church in America, a Republican Strategist, and a Democratic Strategist, along with the host Micheal Horton. They are all Biblical, Evangelical Christians. Check it out here.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Ultimate Fighting

Why are so many people drawn to Ultimate Fighting? As a matter of fact, a good deal of the Christian men I know love Ultimate Fighting. Is this okay?
In the Church today, we have tended to stray away from themes of battle and "fighting the good fight"of the Christian faith as Paul says. We sing songs about having feelings of love for Jesus. Many times in our pulpits a weak, sort of "God loves you just the way you are" message is preached. But not a whole lot of mention about fighting or being in battle as Christians.
Is it any wonder that we have an incredibly difficult time getting men (who love Ultimate Fighting) interested in the things of God?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Why we are getting fat

Much is made in the media today about the "epidemic of obesity." While I think that language is awesome in its exaggeration, there is no doubt a plumping up going on among America's youth. I definitely have seen it.
The tendency is to blame fast food. Now I don't think fast food is good for you, but when I was a kid, we had plenty of fast food around and therefore we ate lots of it. Yet there was not the "epidemic" of obesity. So why now? I think the main difference is found in the stagnant activity level of the average kid today. One huge difference: My parents made me go outside and play!
According to a recent survey, 97% of all children in the United States play video games. Generally, these games do not require much physical activity. So the kid eats his mighty kids meal from Mcdonalds, but instead of going outside to play, sits down at his computer or gaming system and drinks his soda between turns. Parents, if you don't want your child to be obese, do them a favor: Don't replace the food they like with a fruits, nuts and tofu diet. Make them go outside and run around!
The Distracted and Disconnected

Here is an article that is both painful and funny at the same time. According to this study, 35% of blackberry users would choose their blackberries over their spouse!! This is funny just because of how absurd it sounds. It is painful in that I think it's mostly true.
I think about myself and the ways I am easily distracted from my wife and kids by technology, and I realize that in this area I have nothing to boast of, only sins to confess.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Good Dirt

Last Sunday I preached on the Parable of the Sower (or the Parable of the Soils) from Luke 8:4-15. May God make us good soil.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Politics and Religion Part II

An article appears in the Washington Post today about a group of Pastors encouraged by an organization of Christian lawyers (Alliance Defense Fund) to publicly endorse candidates from the pulpit on September 28th.
They say the law that prohibits Pastors from endorsing specific candidates from the pulpit is an unconstitutional violation of free speech. However,it must be remembered that a Pastor can endorse anyone he wants from the pulpit, he just can't do it and still remain tax exempt. So these men are hoping to go to court and have this law overturned. Are they violating Romans 13?
So, should Pastors be able to endorse candidates from the pulpit and remain tax exempt? What kinds of issues can you see developing from Pastors openly speaking on behalf of certain political entities or candidates?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Politics and Religion
I definitely have strong political opinions; I am a political junkie. So I have to tell you, sometimes it's hard not to write about political stuff on this blog. However, as a Pastor that sees this blog as a resource for the Church, I believe I must stay as neutral as possible so as not to make it seem as though Jesus endorses one political party over another (believe it or not HE DOESN'T!). That being said, politics is in the air right now and I think within the Church there is a lot of confusion about what role exactly our faith should play in politics. This short video clip from Ravi Zacharias has some interesting insights that are worth giving a listen to:
Thanks Bombardo!
Thanks Bombardo!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Why Apologetics?
One of my favorite subjects is Apologetics (the defense of the faith). Below is a 10 minute video clip from Dr. R.C. Sproul about why Apologetics are important for the church. Curious: Do you employ apologetics with people when talking about your faith?
Core Value #7
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Theology of Glory vs. Theology of the Cross

I just got done reading a great article about the difference between the Theology of Glory vs. The Theology of the Cross. The author, Todd Wilken, does a great job of sorting out between the two and I would encourage you to read it.
Within American Christianity today, one only needs to go to the local Christian bookstore or Barnes and Noble to see that the Church is absolutely infatuated with a theology of glory. The author explains in greater detail, but essentially a theology of glory holds that God "helps those who help themselves;" if we do certain actions, God, like a genie responds by granting us "success." (Examples of the Theology of Glory would be: Your Best Life Now, The Prayer of Jabez, and too many others to count. I get know joy out of pointing these books out as examples and I don't know the spiritual state of these authors. I just know their theology is dangerous.)
A Theology of the Cross essentially tells us that God reveals Himself in ways that we would never see coming by our own human reason. Jesus says in His kingdom, "the last will be first." Jesus the Son of God comes as a babe not enshrined in a castle, but in a smelly stable; Jesus the King of the universe comes riding in on a donkey; Jesus the Owner of the universe has no place to lay His head; Jesus the purest and most holy Being, suffers the death of the worst of sinners. It is only after death, that glory comes through the Resurrection.
Through these same means, humility, shame, dishonor, etc. God showers blessing on the believer. This is The Theology of the Cross. This theology is only found through the Word.
We all struggle with The Theology of Glory. This is the reason why Jesus called us to pick up our cross daily and follow Him.
Can you think of ways that you see the theology of glory or the theology of the cross in our world today?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Watching for Grace: C.J. Mahaney
A few months ago I heard this sermon and through it the Lord spoke to me. The sermon is definitely designed more for leaders in ministry (especially Pastors), but the principles apply to us all. Enjoy:
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