The Evangelical world has been rocked a bit lately. Not long ago, Greg Laurie's son Christopher was killed in a car accident. Christopher was married with one child and another on the way. And last May, Steven Curtis Chapman's 5 year old daughter, Marie was accidentally run over by their 17 year old son in their family's driveway.
This last week I have watched video of both of these families and have seen overwhelming evidence of the grace of God in their lives. Pastor Greg and his family held a memorial service this last week for their son and through it all they glorified God and praised Jesus' name. If you'd like to learn more about the situation you can go here.
Steven Curtis Chapman's family was featured on Good Morning America a few days ago and their testimony was deeply moving (especially seeing how there family has been held together through this: truly amazing)
They all have questions (as they should); they don't understand why they're going through this; in all of it they do know that there God has promised in this life there is a cross to bear, but one day there will be a crown. Thanks be to God.
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