Today in class we are talking about the fact that our God from the very beginning has been a sending God. In Genesis 3 right after our first parents sinned and brought death and condemnation to all, God promises to send One that will rescue us and crush the head of Satan.
In Genesis 12, God promises that through Abram, blessing will be sent through him to all. He is blessed to be a blessing.
In Exodus 4, God calls Moses and sends him to deliver His people from bondage.
God sent Joshua to lead His people, sent David to be their King, sent the prophets to proclaim God's word.
The Father sent the Son to proclaim the kingdom and pay for our sins, The Father and the Son sent the Spirit to empower His Church, and the Trinity sends the Church to continue His mission of rescue to His lost world (John 20:21).
What is God sending you to do?
What is God sending you to do?
When I think of sending I think of distant journeys. Surely the biblical examples that you provided are epic... leaders, kings, prophets, the Redeemer, the Bride.
Whether God sends me on an epic journey or not, I only know as much to pray that my next step would fall within His good will - in the footsteps Christ prepared. But too often in prayer I fail to respond in Christ. And I often find myself stumbling one leg over the other.
A practical example. Today a man was driving home on a busy street and passed a young man walking on a road without a sidewalk. The driver kept driving. Scripture came to his mind (not literally, but in Spirit): Matthew 10:42, Luke 10:27,36-37, etc. - so he made a u-turn and asked if the young man walking had wanted a ride. He told the driver that he was hot, that the walk was hard and that his feet were hurting. Dozens, perhaps even hundreds of cars must have passed him by. This driver almost did, too. He drove him to his destination, just another mile or so. In those few minutes they talked about where they each attend church and the driver invited the young man to meet again up the long driveway to VCC (which the young man thought was some sort of medical clinic because he only ever saw ambulances going in and out - for the response team that is stationed next door) if he was ever not able to join his congregation in San Bernardino.
Likewise, being sent is sometimes found in the moment just before the body's weight is shifted onto the next step - or just before driving around the next bend.
Someday: perhaps a journey. Today: be sent one step away from my desires and one step further in God's call in Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Amen, Amen!
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