Interesting story came out a little while ago about a man who won 6 million dollars in the lottery and decided to tithe $600,000.00 to his local Church. The Church refused the money because it was lottery money.
So the question for debate is should the Church accept an offering from lottery winnings?
Well if it was our church, we had better take it...haha...I think it is quite a conundrum. It poses a problem on the issue of gambling. I know our church could use a gift like that. We say to trust God and He will provide. Then the question becomes is God providing or is He testing us to see if we will do the right thing. I suppose it would be nice to have to struggle with that issue.
Erick, I don't know if you saw it. On Yahoo! today there was anews story where a church back east had a parishioner won a 3 million dollar lottery jackpot and gave the whole thing to the church, which the church gladly accepted. Here is the link if you are interested.
Interestingly, I did hear about this story and the Pastor of this church is a former member of our Denomination. I wonder if he would like to donate some of the money to a small church in Fontana :)
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