I hope this guy didn't have a fish on the back of his car! A preacher from Cincinatti was accused of flashing a gun at a fellow motorist and cursing at her!
Here's the story: Preacher Nut
Question for discussion: Did this guy through his actions prove that he couldn't be a "true Christian?" Could he be a Christian and just have had a lapse in the flesh, or did he lose his salvation by doing such a thing? Interested to hear what you think.
I don't think he lost his salvation...it seems he had a lapse of judgement and let his emotions get the best of him. He should seek forgiveness from God and the person he got angry at.
I think encouraging a debate on whether or not a stranger we don't know has lost his salvation for losing his temper is ridiculous. I don't believe it is up to us to presume anything about this man and where his faith lies.
Flashing a gun and cursing, while truly bad form and especially a horrible example as a pastor, does not warrant us labeling him a "False Christian" (off your use of "true Christian").
We can pray for him, but only the Lord knows his heart and we should not judge this man for this one incident.
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