Wednesday, November 17, 2010



"For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor."

So far in my attempts to answer the question of why females aren't called to be Pastors, I've shown the evidence from Scripture and dealt with the possible arguments against this view. We've seen this is Scripture's teaching, but we still haven't attempted to answer the broader, nagging question of "WHY?"

The reasons Paul gives in the text are twofold:

1. Adam was created first. Here Paul is emphasizing that just as Adam was given the charge of leading His wife in spiritual matters before the Fall (He was supposed to let her know of God's command not to eat from the tree; he was supposed to protect her by God's word, but failed), so too now, the man is still given charge in leading in Spiritual matters in the home and the Church.

2. Eve was deceived. At least part of the reason that the woman is not allowed to lead in the Church is because she was the one deceived. Now, this in no way suggests that Adam was innocent in this event (as the rest of the the New Testament clearly shows: Romans 5 for starters). He wasn't even deceived; he knew better!!! Nevertheless, because of this deception, the woman is not allowed to lead within the Church in a Pastoral role. Does this mean that women are more prone to deception in spiritual matters than men? The text doesn't say directly, but may say it indirectly? I'm just not sure.

To tell you the truth, it's difficult to answer from a broader theological perspective. There are abundantly talented women that teach brilliantly in schools, at work, at home, etc.; it seems to me they'd be able to teach in the Church with no problem at all! There are women in the rest of their lives that have high powered positions of authority over many men i.e. school principals, lawyers, Senators, etc. They are gifted leaders and it seems they'd do just fine leading the Church. Why couldn't they be Pastors?

Here's really the only and best answer I can give: Because God says so. For whatever reason, in His perfect and sovereign plan for this world He has said that the Husband is to lead the home, and a Man is to oversee His Church. A wife is to submit to her husband, and a woman is not to Pastor the Church. I don't know the answer to the question "Why?" in this scenario anymore than I know it when someone is suffering. Oh, I know why suffering comes (because of sin), I know what God does with suffering (builds our character into the image of Christ), but I don't know "Why suffering?" There are some questions that God has not given us complete answers to. With these, He calls us to trust Him.

Do you trust that God knows what He is doing? Do you trust that His will for His Church is perfect? Do you trust His word over and above your reason?

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Erick


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