Tuesday, November 2, 2010




Last week I briefly laid out the case for being against abortion. We saw that it is thoroughly biblical, inescapably reasonable and by every possible scientific and philosophical definition, the killing of an innocent human being. God says that we, as His people, are to stand up for the rights of the innocent and victimized (read the 5th commandment for starters, then read the whole book of Amos, finally move on to James in case you weren't sure about this fact.) But how in the world do we go about this? Below, I'll offer 5 recommendations that if put into place, can significantly make an impact:

1. Pray- I can't say it enough, but God calls us to constantly seek, knock and ask for what we need. "Pray without ceasing."

2. Support local Crisis Pregnancy Centers- What is a Crisis Pregnancy Center? Generally speaking, a Crisis Pregnancy Center is the antithesis to Planned Parenthood. Whereas Planned Parenthood has no problem encouraging people towards the option of abortion, Crisis Pregnancy Centers seek to show the other alternatives the Mother has. They show an ultrasound (usually in color) to the Mom so she can see for herself that what is in her body is not a reptile, or some floating piece of goo, but an actual human being. They talk with the mother about giving the child up for adoption. Some offer childcare for the baby to be, job placement for the Mom, and much, much more. Support them financially, or with your time, talents, anything. They almost always need help.

3. Familiarize yourself with Pro-Life and Pro-Choice arguments- I know for many of you, the issue is so emotional that you can't even stand reading the rhetoric of the other side, but if we are to win the argument in the culture, you must. Conversion on this issue will not come from the top down (meaning legislation, though that would be appropriate still, because it is the protecting of life!), but in real life conversations. The truth is, most people that are "pro-choice" haven't really thought about it all that much; they need to be shown the overwhelming evidence of your argument. But in order to do this, you need to know the sorts of arguments even the most skilled pro-choice advocate will bring up in order to persuade them and others around. For a fantastic resource in this regard, check out this teaching series from Stand to Reason called "Making Abortion Unthinkable." The arguments here are absolutely unassailable.

4. Support Pro-Life Causes- Notice I did not write "support Democrats", or "support Republicans". What I wrote was support Pro-Life causes. I'll leave it to your own conscience to decide how best to do that...

In sort of a related topic, recently someone asked me whether it was possible to be a Christian and a Feminist. Tomorrow (and maybe the next day), I'll attempt to answer that question.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Erick


1 comment:

TeeJay said...

I love what you've done here!