Is it possible to be a Christian and a Feminist? There are so many possible ways to answer that question that it’s hard to know where to begin. So let’s begin with some basic definitions:
- Feminism- a doctrine that advocates equal rights for women (Princeton’s definition)
- Christian- Someone, who being saved by Christ from the condemnation of their sins before God, now seeks to conform their life to the teachings of their Master as revealed in Scripture.
Can these two words come together to describe someone? Well, since a Christian is someone who seeks to conform their lives to Scripture, let’s see what that Scripture has to say about it:
- Genesis 1 & 2 clearly show that just as man was created in the image of God, so woman was created in the image of God. They are distinct, and different, but both created in His image. Therefore, both have the same infinite value, but also have differing roles.
- Galatians 3 also confirms this is true not just for the general creation, but especially so for the Christian Church. Paul writes, ‘For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
So, if Feminism truly is what the above definition states, “A doctrine that advocates equal rights for women,” not only can a Feminist be a Christian, but every Christian should be a Feminist! Unless that is, one can come up with a Scriptural proof somewhere that teaches women are not equal to men; but no such text exists. As a matter of fact, one could say that Christianity really was the first Feminism! Who found the risen Jesus? Women. Who funded some of Jesus’ ministry? Women. Who were called to be Deacon/Leaders in the Church? Women. No other system on earth at the time had anything close to the sorts of rights that were granted women within Christianity. So it’s no problem for Christians to say “Women should be paid equally for the same job that a man does; women should have the opportunity to run for political office, host a talk show, fly a plane, etc, etc, etc.”
So what then is the problem? Why would it seem (implied in the initial question) there is conflict between Feminism and Christianity? The answer is that the definition above would not be an accurate description of what most modern Feminism is. If some Feminist organization does truly just seek women's equality, again, we have no issues. But unfortunately, much of modern Feminism has almost nothing in common with the earlier feminism of Susan B. Anthony or Elizabeth Cady Stanton, which indeed did fight for equal rights for women. The earlier feminism really did focus on women gaining the right to work, vote and be freer in the society without having the permission of a man. They were Pro-Life, and abhorred abortion, believing that one of God’s greatest gifts to women was actually the ability to give birth.
The vast majority of well known Feminist organizations today are fiercely Pro-Choice (almost all of them support the right to partial birth abortion which is exactly what it sounds like: deliver a baby somewhat out of the womb, then stab it’s skull with scissors; there is no, literally NONE, no scientific evidence that suggests there is any reason to allow this procedure to continue.), promote deviant sexual behavior and “sexual expressiveness” and almost always promote “other spiritualities” (if you needed any sort of proof, just go to NOW’s website). Lost in this of course is any actual love and admiration for those traits that just may be…wait for it….gulp….inherently feminine (more on that tomorrow).
In closing then, let me put things this way: If one holds to the technical definition of Feminism, than Christians should support Feminism. But if one means by Feminism the right to abortion, sexual deviancy and "other spiritualities" than it’s hard to see how the two world-views are compatible at all.
Tomorrow, relating to this, I’ll cover the question “If the Bible teaches women are equal, why aren’t they allowed to be Pastors?”
Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor Erick
P.S. It is entirely possible that I am not seeing something accurately in my posts, so please feel free to e-mail or comment anytime to discuss disagreements, or questions you may have. I really do welcome the discussion!
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