Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Run For Your Life

This message is as applicable today as it was when it was preached almost 8 years ago. Maybe even more so, for some of us, as our comfort isn't currently disrupted by a tragedy like the one that happened on September 11, 2001. What did you think of this message? How did it make you feel?


Anonymous said...

What did you think of this message?

The comparison to 9/11 was peculiar, as I figuratively imagine that I sort of sit in the street and neither run from the destruction nor aid those who are perishing. That I am more lame than not, as it were.

How did it make you feel?

I felt like turning up the speakers, hoping it would have some greater effect. I felt like weeping, that somehow souls would be saved by sorrow alone. But I didn't. Not really. I sat. I sat on my chair and only listened.

Tony Lombardo said...

Since this message was preached the first Sunday after 9/11 - what part of the reference to it seemed peculiar to you?

Anonymous said...

Only peculiar in that on the one hand I found myself compared to an event that I was not physically present, while on the other hand I found myself akin to spiritually.