Saturday, July 11, 2009

Is This the Typical Modern American Christian?

The creators of this video see this woman as an example of a typical, modern, American Christian. What do you think? Do her responses regarding God, Jesus, religion, and the Bible sound familiar? I would really love to hear your thoughts and experiences regarding what you see as the "typical American Christian."

HT: A Little Leaven


Anonymous said...

I see two types of responses to this type of interview:

1) The sinner who doesn't have the faith to reflect God in his/her responses.
2) The sinner who is given the faith to declare God's good work in him/her through Jesus Christ.

I'm both.
Typical? Yeah.
Good? No.
Need Jesus? Yes.

Anonymous said...

As a similar experience, I was recently asking people the question, "What makes a father a good father?"

The responses were all over the place, but there was one person's response that can be noted here.

One of the guys gave a typical answer, e.g. "just be there and take care of your kids."

When I told him that I was gathering responses to possibly include as a sermon illustration, he hit his forehead and said something like, "Oh, I wish I knew that before I answered!"

Then he gave a response that illustrated God's passionate love for his children - through a willingness to die for their sake. He was, he told me, a pastor at a local church.

He, too, is both.
Typical? Yeah.
Good? No.
Needs Jesus? Yes.