Fantastic article in today's Washington Post from Kevin Deyoung and Ted Kluck about the importance of being part of a Church. They recently released a book with a great title: "Why we love the Church: In praise of Institutions and Organized Religion". Here's an excerpt from the article:
"Take a spin through the religion section at your local bookstore. What you'll find there is revealing - there are "revolutionary" books for stay at home moms, teenagers, and Christian businessmen. There are lots of manifestos. And most of the books about church are about people leaving the church to "find God." There are lots of Kerouacian "journey" stories, and at least one book about the gospel according to Starbucks. It used to be you had to overthrow a country to be considered a revolutionary, and now, it seems, you just have to quit church and go pray in the woods."
HT: Between Two Worlds
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