Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gospel Coalition Day 2

Alright, day 2 was packed to the brim with teaching. As I heard one Pastor say, it's sort of like having an exquisite gourmet dinner and then eating way too much! The highlight of yesterday's sessions came in the evening with an excellent presentation from Ajith Fernando on "Christendom in the 21st century. The talk focused on the challenges the Church faces in the parts of the world where it is growing most: Asia, South America, and Africa. It was inspiring and convicting to hear of the willingness to be persecuted and suffer for the cause of the gospel.

After that there was a panel discussion with Tim Keller, John Piper, Crawford Loritts and Ligon Duncan. To hear the wisdom of these seasoned Pastors was really insightful and for anyone thinking about entering the Pastoral ministry, I think listening to it would be really valuable.

The final day begins in a couple of hours with presentations from Ligon Duncan and D.A. Carson. After that Tony and I will be heading into downtown Chicago to enjoy some of the city life (aka, Deep dish Pizza and possibly some form of bratwurst).

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