Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gospel Coalition Day 1

Well, we have gone through the 1st day at the conference and it was incredibly edifying. Tim Keller began with a lecture on idolatry that was convicting and extraordinarily practical (In my opinion, so far his was the most compelling, thought provoking and challenging session).

John Piper came up next also with great passion and fervor with a message that was completely centered in what Christ has done for us. His enthusiasm for the gospel drips with sincerity.

At the end of the day, Mark Driscoll preached. I am not exaggerating when I say this: He preached a 40 point sermon! And it was actually good! However, if I told you that I retained even one quarter of those 40 points, then I would be lying to you.

Day 2 starts soon. Remember go to for live streaming of all the sessions! More to come later.


Jeff Proctor said...

And so Erick and Tony tarried for 40 points through the barren wasteland of Driscoll's sermon.

Anonymous said...

Audio available from agenda at this address:

Anonymous said...

Driscoll's 40+ points:

Jeff Proctor said...

40 points of purpose?

OK, I'm done now.