I am finding myself thankful today for the transition this country is having towards a new President. When looking at the long span of history, it is exceedingly rare that the transfer of power ever goes this smoothly; usually there is much bloodshed. In our country there is usually lots of sniping and bickering under the radar. But here we have one President that represents about half of the country, handing over power to a President that represents roughly the other half of the country. Yet there have been no riots, no mass bloodshed. It has been peaceful and hopeful.
I am filled with hope (if I can use that seemingly political word now) for our next President. Not because he is a towering giant or anything like that, but because God is a towering Giant and will accomplish His purposes through this man. So do what we're told to do (Romans 13; 1 Timothy 2:1-2; 1 Peter 2) for him: Pray
I am hopeful too. Hopeful that those who didn't vote for our new President will give him a chance, will pray for him and our country. The rhetoric and hate of the past 8 years - directed at President Bush - has been so destructive. How could we expect the rest of the world to respect the U.S. when we weren't respecting ourselves? There were mistakes made, but no President sets out to harm their country. I believe they all desire to serve with honor and make a positive impact. And it is the hardest job in the world. President Obama deserves our respect and we should all pray for wisdom and discernment as he takes over the leadership of our country on Tuesday.
I agree with Sheri on almost everything she said except that the President has the hardest job in the world. We all know that pastors have the hardest jobs in the world. Followed closely by worship leaders. :)
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