Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mark Driscoll on Nightline

In the following video you will see a profile of a Pastor I have a good deal of respect for. I don't agree with everything he says or believes, but I really appreciate what God has done through him. It seemed for a great deal of time within Evangelicalism, the tendency was to water everything down: touchy feely music (with lamey content), topical preaching (seemingly always dealing with money, marriage, or stress)etc. This was done to "try and get seekers to come in" or to be "relevant." What happened is the Church ended up producing many shallow believers who went to Church for the same reason they would a shopping mall: to consume.

What Driscoll has done is strongly preached the Word in all it's sometimes difficult truth (with Jesus as the Hero) and yet at the same time remained relevant to those he was trying to reach with the good news of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Check out the clip and see what I mean:

(Warning: There is some talk about sex in the clip, just so you're aware)


Tony Lombardo said...

I love the fact that orthodox, biblical, Christian teaching regarding heaven, hell and Christ, were heard on Nightline.

For more insight into Marc Driscoll, and why he preaches the way he does, check out (or revisit) his sermon form the Desiring God Conference last year called: "How Sharp the Edge?"

Anonymous said...

Tony, the address in your comment didn't wrap for me. Here it is again:

I've heard several sermons, interviews and other media from Mark (though often as abbreviated clips). This one was particularly convicting.

Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...