For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
- 2 Corinthians 5:21
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Case for the Unborn
This week's sermon was on why we should work to protect the unborn. Listen to it here.
Excellent sermon! I'm a baby born just after Roe v. Wade. I may not have been an intended pregnancy - but I'm glad my birth mother made the right choice.
I teach many of those children who might have been deemed unworthy to live. Some of my students were born at just over a pound with major medical difficulties. But I can't imagine robbing the world of a single one of them.
Thank you for your courage in the pulpit. We are blessed to have you as a pastor.
I know that there will be people that react negatively to this message. I want to add my thanks to my brother Erick for preaching this sermon with everything he had. I know it was not easy for him. The numbers of dead children alone testify to our need to hear this message.
I find it interesting that one issues brought up by the birth of the octuplets this week was the belief of many that the mother should have had a "selective reduction" to better the chances of the babies. Not that I support her for having fertility treatments when she already had seven children and was bankrupt - but I agree with the statement her mother made about how do you choose which of the eight babies you want to kill? How have we become so conditioned to abortion that we think nothing of killing babies!
Excellent sermon! I'm a baby born just after Roe v. Wade. I may not have been an intended pregnancy - but I'm glad my birth mother made the right choice.
I teach many of those children who might have been deemed unworthy to live. Some of my students were born at just over a pound with major medical difficulties. But I can't imagine robbing the world of a single one of them.
Thank you for your courage in the pulpit. We are blessed to have you as a pastor.
Great sermon, brother. You are an unworthy servant. Thank you for the exhortation to speak on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.
I know that there will be people that react negatively to this message. I want to add my thanks to my brother Erick for preaching this sermon with everything he had. I know it was not easy for him. The numbers of dead children alone testify to our need to hear this message.
I find it interesting that one issues brought up by the birth of the octuplets this week was the belief of many that the mother should have had a "selective reduction" to better the chances of the babies. Not that I support her for having fertility treatments when she already had seven children and was bankrupt - but I agree with the statement her mother made about how do you choose which of the eight babies you want to kill? How have we become so conditioned to abortion that we think nothing of killing babies!
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