Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Mission of the Church

I know I'm supposed to be preparing to preach right now, but I just had to post this. Found this on Cwirla's blog. Penn from Penn and Teller is an avowed atheist (as the video clip below shows)and has often made fun of Christianity. But listen to him describe this experience with someone who proselytized to him just the other night.

Reverend Cwirla points out:

Here's the quote from Penn in case you missed it:

I don't respect people who don't proselytize. If you believe that there's a heaven and hell, and people could be going to hell, and you think, 'Well, it's not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward'... How much do you have to hate somebody not to proselytize?

HT: Cwirla


Anonymous said...

I think this really can remind us that it isn't how many people we convert - the Holy Spirit takes care of that. A seed was sown and an example set.

Carolyn said...

Definitely convicting. I once heard a pastor say of his conversion, "The Christian who was with me when I first believed wasn't the first Christian I had spoken to. There had been many throughout the years. He was just the LAST Christian I spoke to before believing". I love that. We don't know where we are in the line of Christians in the Holy Spirit's work on a person.