Let me state this up front: I do not believe that T.V. is inherently bad. Like just about any other medium, T.V. is basically neutral, being used for either good or bad.
That being said, in general I think that too much T.V. watching tends to have a corrosive effect on the mind and one's ability to see the world in any realistic light. So I was glad to read today this study that shows young people are watching less T.V. than older generations. Now this doesn't mean that young people aren't seeking entertainment elsewhere (internet, movies, video games, etc.) they are. But it seems to me the newer forms of entertainment are less passive than T.V. watching and therefore are a net positive.
Connected with this, I have read lately that MTV's ratings are suffering. Woohoo! (I think they lost it when they stopped showing music videos and replaced it with trash reality shows).
For some great writings on the corrosive effect that T.V. (and technology in general) can have on culture check out stuff from Marshall McLuhan or read Neal Postman's "Amusing Ourselves to Death."
Good riddance to MTV, I say. Though I have to admit I do have a big weakness for The Hills... there's just something incredibly appealing about shows that are THAT bad. If you've ever wondered just how lame TV could possibly get, in The HIlls you have your answer.
However, if you want to know how lame a movie can be, try "Plan 9 From Outer Space."
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