From Veith's blog the other day I learned of a series of films entitled "The Decalogue." The films were directed by Polish filmmaker Krzysztof Kieślowski, a Roman Catholic, and are centered around the implications of the Ten Commandments in modern life. I have seen the first three so far and have been blown away.
For many years now I have lamented the pathetic stuff that often passes for Christian art. It usually comes across like propaganda and doesn't really reflect life for most humans at all. The Decalogue does not do this. It is controversial, thought provoking, mysterious and actually, just like life. It's not easy to find (you have to either get them through Netflix or go to one of those oh so cool independent video stores that pride themselves on actually knowing the director's name), but it will be well worth your time. Also, if you get a chance check out another foreign film entitled Babbettes Feast (wonderful illustration of grace and how one receives it).
Will we be seeing any of these at a VCC movie night? Sounds too deep for the kids, but maybe a group of adults might get together for them.
It's possible; I'd really like to do a class on the Ten Commandments and use at least some of these as illustrations. We'll see...
I just got these in the mail today. Stay tuned for me review. :)
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