Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Worst Advertisement in the History of the World


Jeff Proctor said...

Erick, I just wasted 10 minutes of my life watching your YouTube posts.

With regard to the introduction of Jesus, can you imagine Him standing backstage listening to that? My favorite part: "Even before the Kings of Comedy, He was hailed the King of all kings." Well put, Steve Harvey.

The second video was much harder for me to endure. I am having real difficulty coming to grips with the fact that Microsoft actually decided to go forward with this idea. Hosting an operating system launch party? It's embarrassing. This just may be the worst advertisement of all time.

Troy said...

I think this launch party is queerer than the Fellowship of the Ring!

Tony Lombardo said...

I guess there are two people who aren't getting an invitation to mine. ;)

Sheri said...

And THAT is why we have Macs.

Anonymous said...
