I quickly turned it to a news station, KABC, and heard the voice of Peter Jennings. At first they were questioning whether it was an accident; no one knew what had happened. Then I heard someone over the radio say in the background 'Oh my God!' loudly. They announced that the second plane had hit. Jennings somberly said something to the effect of "We now know that this is no accident. We are under attack."
It had never been so clear to me so fast that everything I had known in my life was about to change.
Where were you when it happened?
I was driving up to Chaffey to attend classes. I was also listening to the radio. I thought what I was hearing was a radio drama or something. It took a few minutes for me to realize that the events were actually happening. I turned around and went back home. When I walked in the door I saw my mom standing in front of the T.V. with her hands over her mouth and tears streaming down her face. Then we watched the towers fall.
I was in the shower when Will told me a plane had hit the towers. I thought it had to have been a small plane, student pilot or something. When I came out to eat breakfast I saw the second plane hit. It was on my way to take Zachary, then a little bitty guy, to daycare that I heard about the pentagon, and began praying in the car. I knew we were under attack at that point. I saw the first tower fall at the sitter's house, watched people jumping from the windows and the second tower fall when I got to school. One of the hardest things I've ever done was go face a room of first graders right after witnessing that. And to make it worse, one of my student's mother was an American Airlines flight attendant. Thank goodness she was in Hawaii. But my student was terrified until her Mommy came home.
Never forget.
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