Last week we began a new event at Victoria. After the service once a month we are going to take questions from the congregation (and others if they be there) about the faith, society, whatever. So I figured it might be a good thing to post some of these questions here on the blog and my answers to them.
Question #1: What does the Bible say about alcohol?
Answer: The Bible says that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 10). This means that alcoholism is forbidden and must not be allowed in the Believer's life at all. The Bible says that we must submit to the governing authorities (Romans 13); therefore, people under the legal drinking age are not permitted to drink alcohol at all (except in very small amounts for Communion). The Bible says that we are not to be stumbling blocks (Romans 14 & 1 Corinthians 8) to others; so we probably should not drink around those who have had alcohol problems or currently do.
That being said, the Bible nowhere forbids drinking alcohol in total. Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine (not grape juice) for a wedding feast (John 2). Timothy is urged by Paul to drink a little wine for a stomach problem he was having (1 Timothy 5:23). Biblically speaking, alcohol if used properly, is a gift from the Lord.
Let this guide you: Whatever is not done in faith is sin. Whatever is done in faith is not sin.
Amen. I'll raise a pint to that.
Happy Hour fellowship, anyone?
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