The largest study on Christian giving was just published. Its findings aren't very encouraging. It turns out 25% of all professing Protestants give not a single penny to a Church all year long. Those professing to be Evangelicals give 1 and a 1/2 % of their annual income to the Church. Those within the American Church who say that their faith is very important to them earn a combined income of $2.5 trillion a year (Hey, we could pay for about 3 stimulus bills!). Therefore, if we tithed, according to the researchers, we could give another $85.5 billion than we do now. The story has lots more interesting details that are worth checking out.
It is such a difficult thing to hear and take in each time it is mentioned. Each time the collection passes by guilty fingers let it go. I wish I could say its because I don't have the money, or because of this financial crisis, but the fact is it takes from my movie money, it takes from my candy money, or my McDonald's money... I think if I examined my weekly and daily descisions I would notice myself buying an extra large coffee and not finish it. Or that powersized drink and fries for .50 more. Its the greed, the gluttonous mind I have that ignores the needs of Christ when his feint voice asks for my "worthless" money. I think it could be more effective if people realized how much they could give to the Lord by sacrificing the powersize mean for "just" a medium. Or rent a movie instead of going to the theater. I think the only time I realize what I do is on Sunday when the collection plate passes me by and I think to myself, "oh... no cash". I need to write a note for myself, as I would not forget a name badge for work, I should not forget what I am called to give to the Lord, after all isn't He the employer of employers? Who am I to please? I am just a man concerned about myself.
Your last line Chris hits the nail on the head. We are all just people concerned about ourselves. It is only the grace of God that can cause to look outside of ourselves to Him and to others. Thanks for your conviction filled comments.
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