As most of you know by now we got to have an earthquake today in Southern California! The epicenter was in Chino Hills, which is really close to where we're at, so we felt it pretty strong. I would like to tell you that my macho Californian "I'm used to earthquakes" instinct kicked in, but then I would be guilty of breaking the 8th commandment.
No, actually what happened is I was in the middle of a Seminary class via internet extension, when I interrupted Professor Veum and said something like, "The earth is shaking I have to leave now, goodbye." I then proceeded to run, to where I don't know (running does not a lick of good in an earthquake, not one ounce of good, but that is what I did!).
On the other hand I am thankful for times like these because I am reminded of how small I really am. What in the world can I possibly do when the Lord decides to let the earth shake around me? The only wise thing, the only right thing to do is trust Him. For some more perspective on these things please see Psalm 29.
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