Friday, October 22, 2010



So far in this discussion of God's design for sex we've talked about what it isn't (any relations in thought, word, or deed outside of marriage) and what it is (intimacy, and vulnerability and it's highest level between two people God has united in Marriage). Now, the question must be asked, "Is there any sexual activity that is prohibited between the married couple?" The answer is once again, a comforting, yes and no: :)


The Bible allows much freedom among the married partners when it comes to sex. As a matter of fact, the Song of Solomon describes what appears to be all sorts of different sexual activity besides intercourse. That being said, there are still Theological reasons that we have to say there are prohibitions in marital lovemaking. First of all, we always have to remember, as Ephesians 5:22-33 tells us, that marriage is to be a picture of the relationship Jesus Christ, the Groom, has with His Church the Bride. How does Jesus treat His bride? He gives up everything for her well being, caring for her, loving her, and honoring her. How does the Bride treat her Groom? With respect, honor, submission, and love. Sex is always to flow out of that mindset towards one another. It is not selfish (masturbation), but selfless (Making love).

Therefore, though the Bible may not forbid something, that doesn't mean that it's automatically "allowed." If your spouse is not comfortable doing something that you want to do, or feels dishonored or dirtied by it, then you are sinning against her/him (and causing her/him to sin) by doing it. That's the Biblical rule on marital love. The question you ought to be asking is, "How can we share this time together, so that it increases our love for one another?" Does this mean being prudish? No, not at all. Have fun, enjoy the gifts God has given, just make sure that both of you are enjoying it.

Secondly, really just as an aside: Because you are married and only encouraged to lust after that person alone, it is obviously forbidden to bring pornography into the marriage (or for that matter any other thing that will cause you to lust after anyone besides your spouse).


As far as specific actions go within the marriage bed, the Bible is pretty much silent. Yes I know, that may come as a complete shock, but it's true. Enjoy your freedom, in love to your Spouse, to the glory of God!

Next week we'll completely change directions, as we'll talk about a Biblical position on "Life issues."

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Erick


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