That's the debate on tonight's Nightline @11:30. Representing the Christian view are Mark Driscoll and Annie Lobert. Representing the non-Christian view are Deepak Chopra and Bishop Carlton Pearson.
You can wait for tonight, Tivo it or watch it here online right now.
HT: The Resurgence
What a great session!
Mark Driscoll is definitely on my A-list of Christian public figures.
I watched the Nightline version of this debate the night it was on and found it so frustrating. Deepak Chopra never shut up.
If you want to hear more of Carlton Pearson's story, go on the This American Life website and listen to the live streaming of the show called "Heretics." (Or you can buy it on iTunes for 99 cents.) I heard it months ago and found it fascinating. This man has made a 180 degree turn in his Christian life and has paid a great price for it, but he truly believes now that there is no Satan.
P.S. Food for thought -- Can someone be called a Christian if they believe in Jesus, but don't believe in Satan?
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