There is an interesting article in "Macleans" magazine today about the decline of the "Religious Right." I'm not sure that I agree, but I definitely think there is a political shift happening...
Be interested to hear what y'all think. Does this really matter?
For at least a partial answer to this question I would refer you to Romans 13
I think the Religious Right's power is definitely waning. However, in some ways, at least, this is a good thing. It is a dangerous trap to believe that just because a politician spouts religious phrases, and makes sure to be seen at a church for the TV cameras, that he or she will actually enact Godly legislation or provide Godly leadership.
The power of the Religious Right over the past few decades led politicians to engage in this deception because they thought it would get them votes. Now if they feel there is no such voting block to be had they'll start acting out their true beliefs. Maybe we can start sorting the wolves out from the sheep.
The other plus about the waning power is that maybe, just maybe, we can see the end of certain televangelists coming on the tube acting like they speak for all evangelical Christians.
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Not necessarily on right on topic, but I appreciated his thoughtfulness.
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