Today is Confirmation Sunday at Victoria. Thirteen students will be reciting what they've learned from the Ten Commandments, The Lord's Prayer, the Books of the Bible, and the Apostles Creed (not to mention what they learned about the Sacraments). The truth is, most of these kids after having gone through even one year of Catechism are more equipped with the Word of God than most adults. It is truly praiseworthy to see God take hold of these kids through the power of His Word.
Oh yeah, today at Victoria we also are privilaged to have a Baptism. Today is an abundant example of God's grace toward us!
Congratulations to all the confirmation students! May they all continue in receiving, growing and going in God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord!
Is there any significance to that fact that the font is 8-sided?
As for the 8 sides to the font...
The shape of the font itself has no effect on the God-given power of baptism, but we draw upon various symbols as reminders of the truth found in God's Word.
According to http://reformationchurch.org/
What_to_expect.htm and other sites:
It has 8 sides reminding us that as 8 people were saved in the waters of the flood, so Baptism now saves us (1Peter 3:18-22). The 8 sides also proclaim resurrection--the new eternal day or "8th day." [thus shifting the traditional Sabbath Day from Saturday to Sunday]
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