As I'm sure many of you may have heard, the largest research study on Religion in America was released last week by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life (you can see it for yourself @ http://www.pewforum.org/).
Not surprisingly, the results show that California is extraordinarily diverse. Only 23% of those surveyed in the Golden State said that there religion is "the one true faith leading to God." The rest weren't sure, didn't care, or overwhelmingly believed that many ways could lead to God. Only 33% of Californians attend church once a week. And 34% of those surveyed believe that there Scriptures are just words written by men, not God's word.
There can be no doubt that we in California (and in the U.S. for that matter) are living in a culture that needs to be seen and treated as a Mission field. The mission field is not "over there" somewhere. It's right in your own backyard. So the question is, "What are you going to do about it?"
For an example: See Acts 17