This week, through a few different blogs I became acquainted with the new 'American Patriot's Bible.' The bible (at least according to it's promo) seeks to show the connection between Biblical stories and America's history. The suggestion is that America in some sense is akin to God's 'new chosen people.' If you watch the promo I linked to above you will see first a picture of Adam and Eve followed by a picture of George and Martha Washington with the title linking them together, "First Families." Abraham Lincoln is just like Moses in that he is a 'Freedom Fighter.' Jesus and the twelve disciples sitting at the Last Supper, are interspersed with pictures of the Continental Congress. Their title? 'Founding Fathers.' The video then closes with the words 'Sometimes history does repeat itself.'
This is Evangelical theology at it's absolute worst! Nowhere in Scripture does it ever say that America is God's new chosen people. God's chosen people were the Israelites and ultimately has always been those who believe in the Promised Messiah. One of the things that Paul and the rest of the Apostles marvel at is that God in the New Covenant no longer chose to locate Himself among one group of people, but among all peoples!
America does have Christian roots in much of its history (but please remember many of the Founding Fathers were not even Christians) and I thank God for that. That shouldn't be ignored by historians. I do love my country very much and am very grateful for the many sacrifices made for the freedoms I enjoy. However to make the link between Jesus' and His disciples and the Continental Congress is complete and utter gibberish. I can love America with everything in me, but without the life, death and resurrection of Christ, I'm on a fast track to hell. Only Jesus saves. American Patriotism and Christianity are not the same, folks.
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