Today we had a quick Q & A session. Here are the 5 questions:
1. Why do Mormons believe good works are necessary for salvation? Ephesians 2:9 says otherwise.
2. We are so often around others who constantly speak of sin...family,friends, co-workers, & in public. We tend to just laugh these commentsoff and simply walk away even though we know it isn't right. What is thebest way to boldy confront others?
3. Do you believe that those who have passed away can communicate with ushere through our dreams? Or do you believe they don't care anymore or remember?
4. We all know that dinosaurs existed. Where do they fit in with theBible?
5. Do you believe in pre-tribulation rapture? Do you believe we areliving in the end times and any of us will be here for this?
2. It is a bummer that you have so little time to discuss these questions after the church service. One thing I would say with this question would be not to socialize with non-Christians who continue to embrace sin and if this is occurring with Christians, that we should seek individual council on how to deal with brothers and sisters who embrace their sin.
1. Off topic but anytime I even think of Mormons I remember John Taylor, their 3rd President saying: The only reason blacks had been spared from the flood is so that Satan would still have representation upon the Earth.
Also, Gordon Hinckley said until 1978 Blacks could not become priests in the Mormon faith, due to prior church belief in blacks to contain the representation of Satan.
A majority Mormon leadership until the mid 1980's interpreted and taught that blacks were of the seed of Cain, and this prevented their passage into Heaven unless they were slaves.
I cannot figure out much sense of this and how a religion could evolve from those teachings. I would and do find it hard to place faith in a 'religion' which consistantly shifts its major beliefs every few decades. That would be like Lutherans changing doctrine every few decades. Maybe from baptism is a vessel for salvation to baptism indeed can save in itself. Then if we interpret things according to what we want, Christ came and died on a cross so we can live our lives in any way we choose.
It is just silly that such a large group of people can be swayed by lies, and still be swayed when lies are made into new lies over and over.
Oh and how can I mention Mormon doctrine without mentioning Polygamy...
3. When I heard this question asked I felt both sad and pity. I felt sad for the person concerned about communication with the dead, and pity that they would think they need to.
I liked the story you gave with Samuel I believe... but I was wondering why God would place Moses and Isaiah before John the Baptist. There is a weird thing happening there, when there are dead people interacting with the living. Also in Revelation, the book was based off interpretations of a dream... just some things I was thinking about.
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