Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Murder is Wrong

Over the last few days I have heard various Christians (commentators and others) try and make the case that the killing of George Tiller (the late term abortionist who performed thousands of partial birth abortions) was justified. The case that has been laid out goes something like this: If you could save people in World War II by killing some Nazis would you? Wouldn't it be justified to take out Hitler? Tiller was like Hitler in that he butchered thousands of innocent babies and therefore in order to save these little ones, killing him was justified.

In response to this dilemma I refer you to 3 places: 1. Greg Koukl at Stand to Reason who gives the practical reasons why it is foolish strategically for the Pro-life movement to stand behind murders like this. 2. I refer you to the biblical case against the murder at Dr. Veith's site this morning. 3. Please read Jesus' instruction on how Christians are to live in this world found in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).

I naturally feel the same way about Dr. Tiller as any other pro-life person feels: He was a killer and needed to be brought to justice for his heinous crimes against these children. However, we are not the ones given that authority to bring him to justice. God has placed that in the hands of those who govern. Yes, the government made huge mistakes in not convicting this man, but again you are not given authority to take justice into your own hands. I know the government is incredibly flawed. Vote to change it; protest if you will; get involved the Democratic way by persuading others of your positions. And most of all, stop fretting and PRAY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, reminds me of Luke 9...
"Lord, do you want us to tell fire to come down from heaven and consume them?" Jesus turned and rebuked them.

I wonder how much of that rebuke was a reiteration of the Sermon on the Mount.

And I love the reminder found by reading Titus 3.