Friday, May 15, 2009

Majority of Americans: Pro-Life

Interesting poll released from Gallup today finds that for the first time since they started asking the question (since 1995), the majority of Americans identify themselves as pro-life.

This is an encouraging development (at least when it comes to how they I.D. themselves). How has this happened? I think in this particular area, Evangelicals have been very effective at teaching the truth about what abortion actually is (the taking of an innocent human life). Science and breakthroughs in technology (3-d ultrasounds for example) have also shown even skeptics that clearly what is actually growing in the womb is a baby (the human kind in particular).

This is cause for some celebration, but not rest. There is still much persuading that needs to be done. Pro-life folks have far better arguments and we need to use them.

1 comment:

Tony Lombardo said...

The Gallup article also made an interesting observation. They posited that our current administration may be pushing the definition of pro-choice so far to the left that it might actually be driving formerly pro-choice people over to the other side. Interesting.