Dan Gilbert, the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, was not happy with Lebron James after Thursday night's ego-fest (oops, I mean "announcement") that Lebron would be joining the Miami Heat. In a bit of a ranting letter to Cleveland fans, he shares his contempt for Lebron's disloyalty, laziness, etc. etc.
However, what stuck out to me was Gilbert's picture of the cruciform life. He says of Lebron,
"Some people think they should go to heaven but NOT have to die to get there.
Sorry, but that’s simply not how it works."
I have no idea who Dan Gilbert is, what his faith is, and what exactly he meant by his statement. But I do know that his point is that this life will inevitably have suffering before our final glory. And Jesus said, "You cannot be my disciple unless you pick up your cross and follow me."
What's with Nike and the crucifix-esque advertisements? I was always slightly disturbed by this one: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2007/feb/01/advertising1
though in this case it's the crazy nationalism that scares me the most.
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