Interesting, disturbing, yet not surprising article posted on the White Horse Inn's blog regarding a new Pew study. Here are some of the stats:
Between twenty and thirty percent of self-described ChristiansThe article goes on to point out that,
- believe that people will be reborn in this world again and again (22%)
- believe that Yoga is a spiritual practice (21%)
- believe that the position of stars/planets can affect people’s lives (23%)
- have been in touch with the dead (29%)
- have found “spiritual energy” in trees, etc. (23%)
In addition to pointing out a crying need for catechesis in our churches, this survey should also encourage pastors to be aware: don’t take your congregation’s grounding in the faith for granted. Continual teaching (especially in identifying alternative religious movements and contrasting them with the Gospel) is crucial for disciple-making.Click the link to read more: How Helpful Is The New Pew Study?
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Very interesting, but sadly not surprising.
(By the way, my own pew study is that they come in different lengths, in either dark or light wood, and that the better ones have cushions on them.)
Steve, you forgot the kneeling bars (lest submission otherwise be too uncomfortable). - Ben
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