Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Can you please help me kill my baby?"

Using tax payer's money to pay for abortions is nothing new. According to their annual report Planned Parenthood received $349,600,000 of their $966,700,000 in revenue from "government grants and contracts."

As always, there is something we can do about this. You can contact your Senators and Representatives and let them know that you do not want to see your tax dollars going to fund abortions. This is not a hard or complicated thing to do. The people over at Americans United for Life (AUL) have set up an easy to use email form you can fill out that will be sent directly to those in the Federal government that represent you. The form can be found here: Email Form

If we do not stand up for these little children who will? Who will be their voice? There are numerous scriptures that talk about the shedding of innocent blood. In Proverbs 6 it says that the shedding of innocent blood is something that God hates and that it is an abomination. We should hate what God hates and love what He loves.

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