Friday, October 31, 2008
Mr. Really Really Bad Preacher
Found this little clip on Cwirla's blog: I think putting this up on my blog is not in my self interest!
Happy Reformation Day!
491 years ago today a disturbed monk placed a long list of theological concerns that he wanted discussed on the door of a church in Germany. It didn't take long before this list got into the hands of the people, and eventually into the hands of the leadership of the Church. Martin Luther was summoned to defend his positions, refused to give up on his positions and the Reformation came into full swing.
As a result, the central doctrine of the Church (Justification by grace alone through faith alone) was recovered. The doctrine that taught all people in the Church were priests before God was recovered. The Sacraments were brought back to their proper place. The church was freed to worship God in the freedom of His word.
Today we have much to be thankful for as heirs of the Reformation: Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura, Soli Deo Gloria!
On the lighter side, here is the "95 theses rap" It was put together by some students up at Yale. The accuracy of some of the things they rap is certainly questionable, but at least it will give you a decent laugh.
HT: Veith
As a result, the central doctrine of the Church (Justification by grace alone through faith alone) was recovered. The doctrine that taught all people in the Church were priests before God was recovered. The Sacraments were brought back to their proper place. The church was freed to worship God in the freedom of His word.
Today we have much to be thankful for as heirs of the Reformation: Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura, Soli Deo Gloria!
On the lighter side, here is the "95 theses rap" It was put together by some students up at Yale. The accuracy of some of the things they rap is certainly questionable, but at least it will give you a decent laugh.
HT: Veith
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Interesting post by Dr. Gene Veith today on his blog. He has been making the case lately that already post-modernism is dying or dead and is being replaced with something else. I tend to agree with him as I don't know that post-modern thinking (everything is relative, no such thing as truth, etc.) can actually last outside of an essay by a bored philosopher looking for attention.
I think many in the culture would like things to be post-modern with its emphasis on supposed tolerance and acceptance of all cultural values. But when push comes to shove, the position betrays itself. It is impossible for those who espouse open ended tolerance and acceptance to be tolerant and accepting of those who are not tolerant and accepting.
So the result is what one of Dr. Veith's readers suggested as a title for what's going on now: Reconstructionism. In post-modernism, everything that we have held as true and valuable has been deconstructed and crushed. Marriage is redefined; Fetuses are not really babies; Gender? What's gender? ("Two genders? How 19th century, try something more like 6 you neanderthal!" The substance of this was a real statement from a real college professor at a real university).
Now it's time to rebuild what we have destroyed, but in the image that we want it to be. I could go on and on, but please read more at Veith's blog and comment about it here.
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Gospel Coalition
This April there is a gathering of various Theologians and Pastors that are calling themselves the Gospel Coalition. Their mission is focused on clarifying the gospel and teaching Pastors, Church leaders, and eventually everyone how best to communicate that gospel. Most certainly a worthy endeavor.
P.S. Pastor Erick is willing to accept any donations to send me to this gathering in April! :)
P.S. Pastor Erick is willing to accept any donations to send me to this gathering in April! :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Words of Wonder

A wonderful message on the gift of worship through song by Bob Kauflin.
Luther said about music: "Music is the handmaiden of Theology."
Atheist Evangelists

Great commentary by Gene Veith about an article detailing an "outreach" campaign of British atheists. Check it out here.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Out of the Mouths of Babes?
I do not think this is what Jesus meant in Matthew 21:16, but I could be wrong. What do you guys think? How does this video make you feel? Happy? Angry? Uneasy? Sad? Is this just a cute video to be enjoyed or is there something wrong here?
Monday, October 20, 2008

Came across this article about the passing of a Nun who served for years in the slums of Egypt. She dedicated her whole life to serving the needy and being their advocate.
As I read this I was reminded once again that truly the most satisfying thing we can possibly do is invest ourselves in the well being of others. As Jesus said, "It more blessed to give than to receive."
Sermon Audio: Who Is the True Jesus?

This last Sunday's sermon was based on Luke 9:7-22. It covers the feeding of the five thousand, but primarily deals with the question of who we say Jesus is. Listen to it here.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
When is a Person a Person?

I found this article on Veith's blog this morning that is frankly devastating. The article deals with the issue of abortion in America and our collective shame for allowing it to happen. This insightful writer notices that abortion (the murder of unborn life) is no longer even close to the number one issue that evangelicals care about. Rather it's "the economy, stupid." As a matter of fact, in polling, abortion was ranked Number 7 in importance for evangelicals. Number 7!
So you say, "There are many christians that are pro-choice." I will concede at best, there are only confused Christians that are pro-choice. Yes, I know that's judgmental. But John was judgmental too when he wrote, "No murderer has eternal life in him." I am not calling all those who are "pro-choice" murderers, but by endorsing the allowance of abortion in the society, are you not in some way contributing?
Christians: 40,000,000 babies have been aborted since 1969. That equals out to approximately 2,850 a day. 120 per hour. 2 per minute. In the time it has taken me to write this, there will have been about 8 babies killed.
Sorry my evangelical brethren, the economy is not the most important issue.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Interesting Article. Surprising? No

Check out this article about the social/political leanings of the average college student when they enter into college as opposed to their views after their Junior year.
Kung Fu Jesus?

Every day I write a daily devotion for attenders and friends of Victoria Community Church. Right now we are currently going through the book of 1 John. This morning's devotion dealt with the vast number of "different Jesuses" we come across in our culture and how to tell the true One from the false ones.
Unfortunately, a lot of the time the church is responsible for creating all sorts of false perceptions about Jesus. We tend to make Him in our image, rather than be remade in His image. Therefore, Jesus becomes everything we might want Him to be at the time (such as "my homeboy." Maybe that's what Thomas meant to say when He cried out, "My Lord and My God?!")
With these things in mind, it is with humor, embarrasment and a certain amount of shame that I introduce you to "Kung Fu Jesus."
Unfortunately, a lot of the time the church is responsible for creating all sorts of false perceptions about Jesus. We tend to make Him in our image, rather than be remade in His image. Therefore, Jesus becomes everything we might want Him to be at the time (such as "my homeboy." Maybe that's what Thomas meant to say when He cried out, "My Lord and My God?!")
With these things in mind, it is with humor, embarrasment and a certain amount of shame that I introduce you to "Kung Fu Jesus."
Sermon Audio: The Church Sent

This week's sermon is based on Luke 9:1-6. In this passage Jesus sends out the Twelve for the first time. This message deals with why we need not fear sharing our faith. Listen to it here.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Redefining Marriage
It seems that just about everyday I receive an e-mail encouraging me to speak out about same-sex marriage. In California this year we have a proposition on the ballot that would "define" marriage as between a man and a woman. Of course this proposition has been brought up this year because a court made a decision that marriage was not between a man and a woman.
Now today the court in Connecticut has also made the decision that marriage is not just between a man and a woman. Therefore, so called "same-sex marriage" is permissible.
Can we please just be honest? There has never been a time in recorded human history where marriage has ever been anything but the union between a man and a woman. (Genesis 1&2 sets the pattern). Sure, there may have been times when different races of people were not allowed to come together in some societies. These silly restrictions were lifted, but never did the fundamental definition of marriage change. It was always a union of a man and woman. This may seem obvious, but in our times, obvious cannot be taken for granted.
What times do we live in? Postmodern times, where definitions to words can be changed by a majority of people, or forget that, you the individual can make up your own meanings. Language means nothing. So it is fitting since words don't mean anything, we can fundamentally change the meaning of the word "marriage," to now mean the union of two committed people? (The activist or proponent of so called, "same-sex marriage" never wants to deal with the gigantic social problems this definition opens us up to. And for that matter why should marriage be defined as a union only between two people, why not more? Why not incestuous relationships? Can someone please deal with these questions honestly and thoughtfully, instead of emotionally?) Fundamentally different definition folks. If you want society to recognize this relationship with some kind of special union (as much as I wish it wasn't the case), fine. But it is not by any historical standard or definition "marriage."
Obviously, the foundation of my thinking is based on biblical teaching. However, one does not need to even use the Bible, just plain reason, to deal with this issue.
Finally, I do not write this to rally Christian conservatives to become politically active primarily. I write this so that you Christians would start praying more for your gay and lesbian friends. Pray that God would give them sight. Go to them in the name of Jesus and love them. This is not an anti-gay writing, it is a pro-truth writing.
Now today the court in Connecticut has also made the decision that marriage is not just between a man and a woman. Therefore, so called "same-sex marriage" is permissible.
Can we please just be honest? There has never been a time in recorded human history where marriage has ever been anything but the union between a man and a woman. (Genesis 1&2 sets the pattern). Sure, there may have been times when different races of people were not allowed to come together in some societies. These silly restrictions were lifted, but never did the fundamental definition of marriage change. It was always a union of a man and woman. This may seem obvious, but in our times, obvious cannot be taken for granted.
What times do we live in? Postmodern times, where definitions to words can be changed by a majority of people, or forget that, you the individual can make up your own meanings. Language means nothing. So it is fitting since words don't mean anything, we can fundamentally change the meaning of the word "marriage," to now mean the union of two committed people? (The activist or proponent of so called, "same-sex marriage" never wants to deal with the gigantic social problems this definition opens us up to. And for that matter why should marriage be defined as a union only between two people, why not more? Why not incestuous relationships? Can someone please deal with these questions honestly and thoughtfully, instead of emotionally?) Fundamentally different definition folks. If you want society to recognize this relationship with some kind of special union (as much as I wish it wasn't the case), fine. But it is not by any historical standard or definition "marriage."
Obviously, the foundation of my thinking is based on biblical teaching. However, one does not need to even use the Bible, just plain reason, to deal with this issue.
Finally, I do not write this to rally Christian conservatives to become politically active primarily. I write this so that you Christians would start praying more for your gay and lesbian friends. Pray that God would give them sight. Go to them in the name of Jesus and love them. This is not an anti-gay writing, it is a pro-truth writing.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Pornification Of A Generation

Its everywhere. Its almost impossible to avoid it. I am talking about pornography in all of its insidious, insipid forms. Kevin Scott, an English professor at a small college in Georgia, decided to write a book about porn culture after his 5-year old daughter asked him for a Bratz doll. In a recent Newsweek article Scott said, "I realized porn culture and I were in a death match for my daughter's soul."
Is it that bad? Has this culture of sex really impacted the youth of today? Check out this article about a 15-year old girl who is being charged with child-pornography for sending nude pictures of herself to her friends. This is the second or third incident I have read about this year.
Every second 28,258 Internet users are viewing pornography. Every 39 minutes a new pornographic video is being created in the United States. The U.S. porn industry generates over 13 BILLION dollars every year. The average age for first internet exposure to porn is 11 years old. Do we have a problem?
The Bible tells us, in 1 Corinthians 6:18, to flee sexual immorality. The words sexual immorality are translated from the Greek word porneia. Does that word sound familiar? So Paul is telling us to flee, or run away from porneia. The word flee is a present, active, imperative verb. What does that mean? Well the idea behind it is to make it your habit to flee. To keep on fleeing all the time. To never stop. It is also a command (imperative), not a suggestion.
Verses 19-20 go on to say:
Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
You are not your own. You were bought with a price. These are statements of fact. These are statements of truth. God bought you with the blood of His Son Jesus. Through that, you have been made clean and are no longer in bondage to sin. Therefore, glorify God in your body and teach your children to glorify God in their bodies.
For more insight into the struggle with sexual sin Marc Driscoll has published a free e-book online. Be warned that he uses frank language that may be offensive to some people. This book was focused on helping the men in his church combat sexual temptations. Enjoy and may the Lord bless you.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Financial Crisis!!!

Over the last number of days we have heard alot (and seen alot) about the financial crisis going on throughout the world. The stock market is significantly down, losing more per day than seems real.
As Christians, we are not immune from these things. We suffer the effects of this crisis by possibly losing jobs, home or well being. It is important at times like these to remember the words of Jesus:
“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
In this truth we rest.
Jesus, I'm Desperate!

Sermon audio of Sunday's sermon is up and ready to be listened to. The title of the message is "Jesus, I'm Desperate."
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Postmodern Anthem
A few months ago I caught this song on the radio and surprisingly, the lyrics jumped out at me.
Is this is a song that accurately describes the cynicism in America, and the resulting emptiness that comes with it? The song is called "Believe" and the band is "The Bravery"
Is this is a song that accurately describes the cynicism in America, and the resulting emptiness that comes with it? The song is called "Believe" and the band is "The Bravery"
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Facing Death... With Humor

Dr. Gene Veith has a link to an interesting op-ed in the Los Angeles Times this morning. The op-ed is written by a satirist named P.J. O' Rourke, who has just found out he has cancer. His confession is grainy, politically incorrect, but nonetheless, I think, thoughtful and funny. Keep in mind while reading that he is a satirist! Check it out here.
Christless Christianity
One of my favorite Christian radio shows (there aren't many) is "The White Horse Inn." The host of this show is a professor at Westminster Seminary named Dr. Michael Horton. I found out today that he is releasing a new book called, "Christless Christianity." The book couldn't come at a better time as so much of the Church seems to be falling for a gospel that isn't a gospel at all. Soon I will be putting up promotional information for this book in the fellowship area of V.C.C. Check out the video below:
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